Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Laments of Grace

This past Sunday, Pastor Eric challenged us to start writing our laments to God and encouraged us to share them with others. Don't forget that if you missed out on this sermon or any other, you can listen to them on the church website or download them to your iPod through iTunes.

Here is the first lament that was sent in by Gary Madonna.

Help me, O God! I don’t turn to others; I turn to you.

I am weary by not practicing and playing my sax in church. I have pulled away from your presence and blessing.

Let “Your Passion for Music” be expressed in and through me. I want You to enter into the resolution of this request.

I know I can’t do this on my own; You know the passion (song) is not there.

I will praise You as I lament knowing that only in You will the song return.

You are the Song.

You can email your laments to Pastor Eric to post (eric@gccfred.org) and if you would like your lament to be anonymous please feel free to let him know that as well. So who's next?

Friday, October 15, 2010


By David O'Hara - Care Deacon

I love to work with my hands. I love to see something, create a vision, plan and follow through to a finished project. This usually leads me to woodworking, small engines or home improvement projects as they feed that desire to create.

My latest project is a small toy box for our family room. To match with our décor, I started plans for a rough, older-looking toy box with weathered wood. As I searched through my collection of scraps from prior projects, I found 6 mixed pieces of wood. I remembered back to when I picked up that lumber at the estate auction of Erin’s late Aunt Helen some seven or eight years ago. They had some paint on them, weren’t planed, sanded, square, or even the same length or width. In fact, I got them because they were left behind by their buyer. Someone had gauged his “find” in a pile of treasures and cast off this mixture of oak, poplar and cedar wood as trash. Here, some eight years later that wood was exactly what I was looking for.

That wood was about to be planed square, arranged and assembled with a purpose. It would be cut, glued, screwed, sanded and accessorized. This process got me thinking about how we are just like that wood. We are rough. We have paint on us and blemishes from our sins and poor decisions. We have knots and dents, holes and scars. In fact, many of us feel the rejection of those scars and hurts, being cast off as by the auction buyer: unwanted, broken, useless. But our Creator is the master woodworker. We are His handiwork. He takes us as we are and gives strength to the meek, blessings to the humble. He re-purposes us from a pile of trash for a real, true purpose. His design is far more elaborate than a toy box. He is building a kingdom that stretches to every tribe, tongue and nation. And in the midst of His master plan are each of us. Broken, but useful in spreading the good news of our Lord and Savior.

God, thank you for making me with a purpose. Thank you for making me as Your handiwork.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Staff Devotional - Our Psalms Part Two

These are some of the staff's writings from our devotional time together. Lisa Catania challenged us to reflect on an attribute of God and to write down some key ways that we see Him at work in our lives through that attribute. Here are our thoughts:

The LORD [Jehovah God] is gracious and merciful …
*when I deserve judgment – He saved me.
*when I deserve His wrath – He died for me.
*when I am disobedient – He is not less gracious & merciful to me.
*when I have opportunity I will tell about Him & His grace & mercy … to family, neighbors, strangers and friends.

The LORD is merciful at all times. He withholds His hand of judgment and His compassion flows freely. He does not repay our failures with anger but extends great mercy & loving kindness and my heart returns to Him in response.

God is good. The LORD cannot be anything but good. His creation was perfectly made, in the perfect time and for the good of his creation/us! His plans are for our good. His motives behind His plans are good. Humans, even the good ones, cannot be good without God. Even when life is hard, God is good.

The LORD is my provider … He has given me life. Each and every breath is a gift from Him. He has given me everything I need. I will trust Him in the coming days, weeks, months and years to provide for me a car [praise Him – He has TODAY!] a wife and a family and everything He knows I need … all in His perfect timing!

The LORD’s faithfulness endures. His faithfulness is clearly evident. You do not leave me hanging even when I turn from You. Your presence does not forsake me. I find You in my contentment and my in my pain. Your hand upholds me and gives me what I need when I need it. I praise You for Your faithfulness. My soul is overwhelmed O my God.

The LORD is faithful and keeps His promises. He knows my need before I do and meets those needs in His perfect timing. I will thank Him and praise Him all the days of my life. I will speak this truth to the generations that follow me.

The LORD is sovereign.
*He knit me in my mother’s womb.
*He hears & knows my every cry.
*He is the beginning and the end; the alpha and omega.
*He is the LORD over all.