Monday, July 19, 2010


By Erin O'Hara

“I’m going to eat you, Jonah!”

Those words start a game that Isaac and I have played in the pool this summer. Of course, the theme song to “Jaws” is hummed as well. He shrieks and tries to swim away but with one huge “gulp” the whale (me) says, “Oh Jonah, you taste goooood!”

My little guy calls this “Jonah’s time-out” in the belly of the whale. As his water-wings hold him steady, he lifts his face toward heaven and prays, “Dear God, I’m sorry for disobeying, please let me out! I’ll listen and go to Ninevah!”

After a time, I spit him out with a big, “bllaahhh,” and he responds, “Eww, whale spit-up!” But his determination and obedience come next and he’s off to Ninevah to tell the people about God’s love!

I love to view the Bible through my child’s eyes. Some of the stories in there seem like fairy-tales and can be scary. (Ask me about Isaac’s version of the Tooth Fairy and the Angel of Death!) Reading the Bible stories, acting them out and reassuring our children about the nature of God can be effective and rewarding as they start to understand and apply Biblical truths.

Last month, we were able to take Isaac to the Aquarium. One of the very first things that we saw was the mammoth jaws of the largest fish/whale in the ocean. As you can see from the picture below, a man could very well have been swallowed whole through that mouth! It was neat for Isaac to be able to see that and again be reminded of God’s great power, protection and His grace. It’s the same grace that extends to us all periods of “time-outs” for a second chance.

It’s easy to see the times when our children need a time-out to rethink their attitudes and actions, but what about for me and you? Do we recognize and appreciate “time-outs”? Do we take the opportunity to confess our sins, our selfishness, need for control, temper-tantrums and rebellion? I wonder if Jonah ever “got” it… He had a few time-outs that we read about but after the last one recorded, we don’t know if his heart changed…

Lord, help me not to miss Your ways of discipline and redirection!

Proverbs 3:11-12
My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline and do not resent His rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those He loves, as a father the son he delights in.

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