Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Resting Isn't Easy!

By Matt Johnson

Since the sermon series on rest started, I've had a difficult time trying to figure out how to "rest." I find that I don't rest easy - just ask my wife, Betsy. I always want to be doing something. I can't rest when there is something that needs to be done. My mind and body become tense and I can't relax. My philosophy has been that I can rest when I'm done with everything that I need to do.

Resting is hard for me, but I know that it is so important to my relationship with our Heavenly Father. In my normal routine I've always been able to find time to read my Bible most everyday. However I don't always have great prayer times and it never seems to be enough to allow God to speak to me. As a result I feel like I understand God, but my heart isn't always in the right place. I'm not able to fully rest in God.

This past week I was on a bike ride with my father in-law. As I was struggling to go up one of the many hills on our bike path I had a revelation. I think I find my rest doing activities like biking, running, or hiking. While I'm physically staining myself, my soul feels at rest. I've been able to feel and hear God speaking to me and my mind is so much more clear during these times. Also I've realized that once I'm done exercising, my body rests so much better!

So my question for you is, where do you find rest?

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