By Erin O'Hara
After a Sabbath rest last year, the Fall Festival at GCC is returning, complete with moon bounce, carnival games, food and fun for the whole family! Sunday, October 30th, 5-7pm - the Family Life Center will be transformed into a colorful world of people, games, candy and costumes. This ministry event brings joy to my heart!
Joy is a gift we receive from the Lord! In reviewing the context for joy in the Old Testament, it is often surrounded by times of celebration, thanksgiving and offerings to the Lord for the blessing that He imparted to His people. Many times, food and feasts were part of the joyful festivities.
In the fall season, we are reminded of the harvest, the blessing of the Lord’s provision, the richness of His creation and imagery as the leaves turn beautiful colors and the air becomes crisp. As we gather, we have the opportunity to celebrate God’s goodness, His imparted blessing to us. I feel so blessed by my church family and the chance to gather, feast, celebrate and laugh with one another. The relationships that have formed at Grace are a beautiful connection and impartation of God’s blessing to me.
In addition to the celebration of our family, the Fall Festival allows us the chance to multiply God’s joy to us and bless others with it who may not have ever experienced an eternal connection like the family of God. We want to CHALLENGE you to pray for and then invite friends, family, neighbors who would not otherwise step onto a church campus. What an amazing opportunity for them to see and experience the joy of the Lord!
* face painting * scavenger hunt * toss away * moon bounce * portraits * balloon art * cookie decorating * costumes * skits * donut eating * bracelet making * sporting competition * songs *