The Acts of the Apostles could easily be called the Acts of the Holy Spirit working through the apostles. It has been my prayer that each of us would become increasingly aware of the Holy Spirit’s activity in our lives and that we would all experience greater intimacy with God. As I open this book to you on Sundays and many of you are studying through Acts on your own and in your small groups, I am hearing how the Holy Spirit has been empowering your witness and giving you divine appointments. We have asked you to pray about your one, to write their name in black on the cross in the lobby atrium, and when you present the gospel to them to underline their name in green and if (or when) they come into the kingdom to circle it in red.
About a month ago, a woman felt burdened for her son-in-law and placed his name on the cross writing his name in black. She prayed for an opportunity to talk with him. That very afternoon her son-in-law came to her house. She told him that she had placed his name on the cross and she would like to tell him the good news of the gospel. As she began testifying to the goodness of God, the sky outside was cloudy and then a shaft of light broke through the clouds. Then there was a glorious rainbow reaching from one side of the horizon to the other. She felt God was confirming her witness with special effects. When he had to go, he asked if there was more, she said yes and he said she could talk to him anytime. So she underlined his name in green and someday soon, I hope she will circle his name in red.
This past Sunday a staff member’s son saw the cross and put his name on it. That afternoon the mother wisely asked him if he knew the gospel. He asked her to tell him the story about Jesus. He listened carefully to what his Mother said to him. He had some questions. When she finished, she asked him if he would like to receive God’s free gift and believe that Jesus took his place on the cross. He said yes. He will be circling his own name in red. We know there is a celebration in heaven and we will be flying a balloon this Sunday to celebrate on earth.
God is moving! The Holy Spirit is prompting us to pray, to be intentional and to be bold. He is drawing people to Jesus and opening their hearts to believe. I give thanks to God for the ones we know have come in and look forward to hearing your stories about the ones yet to come in.
Would you be willing to share your story of how you've spread the gospel to your one? We'd love to hear and pray and rejoice with you!
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