Submissions from the Grace Family for Thanksgiving
I am thankful that I have my health, and I am employed. I am thankful that I have my house and the bank doesn’t own me. I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband.
I'm thankful for His growth in my life and for the work He does through me for His glory. He knows all of the work, and I have only finite knowledge of what He does through me. The things I go through, or receive, or circumstances that "work out" mean nothing compared to the relationship I have with Him, so even though I'm thankful for those things, those things aren't the importance of my life or the reason for my thanksgiving and praise. This world will pass away, and I'm thankful that He created me, loves me enough to not let me stay sinful, provided a way through Jesus Christ to wipe those sins away so that I can come back to Him (God) where I belong. That's what I'm thankful for every day, He allows me to wake up and live for Him, and Him through me.
I am very grateful to God and to my family at Celebrate Recovery here at Grace . I have been growing in a lot of different ways through the step studies and share groups at Celebrate Recovery in the past four years. I also got the opportunity to go to California for leadership training, which was very exciting . I have had serious problems with intimacy and trust issues because of my background. Growing up in a alcoholic home and being married to an alcoholic took a real toll on my character. I struggled with low self-esteem and lack of confidence and I isolated myself for fear of letting people really know who I am. I became lonely and non-productive. I could not share God's word with anyone. I wasn't sure I even knew what being a Christian was. I saw Christians as perfect people, and I just did not fit the profile. Through the Step studies and the share groups, I learned to share my heart with other people and through this I also learned that many people had problems just like me. This experience helped me to stop isolating myself and I felt this was a place of belonging and a place I could be real and share my pain and my thoughts without any judgements. I have made friends and I have gotten married again to a wonderful man (I did not say perfect). I know I need the teachings in Matthew on the B-attitudes. I need to be reinforced with the lessons that speak truth to my heart every week, and I need the fellowship of Christian people to succeed in my walk with God and follow his will for my life, and I find all this here at Celebrate Recovery on Thursdays at 7pm. I am Thankful at Thanksgiving and throughout the year.
For two weeks last month I had experienced lower back pain. Pastor Mike prayed for me, as did the church. I no longer have this pain and I believe that God took it away. I am very thankful that I belong to a praying church!
Wow. Where do we start? I am thankful for our kids' health and their relationship with the Lord. I am also thankful for the financial provisions that God has provided over the last year. One year ago things did not look very good for us, but by His grace, he has provided.
God never stops His work in the believer's life. He perfects His children. I am thankful that day by day and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here, for in my Father's wise bestowment I have no need to worry or to fear.
Moments of peace when the whispers of God seem clearer.
I am thankful for a full van.... Both of my teens are in youth group, so every Wednesday night I find myself driving to and from church. I kept thinking something is missing. At the end of this summer, as I looked at my two kids in the van, I asked God to fill my van with others. God answered. At first we had a wise-cracking, fun teen boy join in, then about two weeks later a shy neighbor teenage girl joined in, and then in mid-October, a loud, fun-loving teen girl joined in. All are seekers. Every Wednesday, my van is now filled with joy, jokes, loud music and laughter as this group of teens and I trek to and from youth group. I have one seat left in my van, and I know God will fill it. I am thankful for my loud van full of teens!
I am thankful to God for his orchestration of relationships in my life. He has shown Himself and introduced to me new ideas and insights and understanding through family and friends that I never would have received on my own.
This past year I have been blessed by the gift of a family:
1) my daughter living closer and being a reminder of the "awesomeness" of God
2) my awesome new son-in-law and daughter depending on God for everything and making me laugh
3) the love of a great, Christian husband
I have so much to be thankful for this year, but above all I am thankful that God has healed my husband. I know that God uses him in my life to speak the truths of His Holy Spirit and to surround my children and me in love. We are truly blessed for everyday that God gives.
I am a teen and I am thankful for the club volleyball team that I have been accepted on. It is a team that was created by coaches, parents, and players that didn't want to have to choose between church and sports. So they only play at Saturday tournaments and no practices on Wednesday night. I am so thankful that I can continue on the youth leadership team at church, be at youth group, attend Epicenter, go to TBF and still play competitive volleyball!
I am grateful for my diagnosis of diabetes this year. It was a wake-up call for me to attend to health issues I was ignoring. With God's grace, I have changed my attitude and lifestyle, so that now I am off the medication for diabetes. Praise God and his infinite wisdom.
I am so thankful for God's faithfulness and provision this year, and for the ways that he has shown his love to me and my family through other believers.
I am thankful that such an awesome and powerful God would care about me and my kids. I am thankful for my two amazing children. And, after much prayer, he sent me the perfect job! I am thankful that we have a beautiful home to live in and that we are all healthy. I am truly thankful for my wonderful small group family and all that they mean to me.
My wife and I are both thankful for continued good health even at our advancing age and for a long lasting sweet marriage of 51 years. Finally, we’re thankful for our kids, in-laws, and grandchildren, and how the Lord has been active in their lives, even when they don’t know it.
We are thankful to God for guiding us in raising our children and teaching us that they will always hear us and learn from us! Parenting is a role that we both have been praying we do right and without God's grace we never would have made it! We will always be thankful knowing He works through us in ways we still don't know!
I am thankful for a fresh understanding of God’s unconditional love for me that is eternal. I am grateful for the renewed sense of closeness between my wife and me in our relationship. I am thankful for increased times of prayer and scriptural discussions and closeness with my wife helped by a devotional book for couples. I am humbled by how God is convicting me of how much I talk about prayer and how inconsistently I practice prayer.
I have seen God demonstrate His love for me through countless unseen realities . . . the things we cannot touch . . . hope, encouragement, music, solitude, reflection, beauty, understanding from those close to me. I am so very thankful.
I am thankful for the Women of Grace who serve so selflessly. In particular, I am thankful for the ministry of the MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers. The leaders of this program have blessed so many of us who struggle with parenting. I thank the Lord for this ministry and how it has touched me and so many others.
A renewed faith in our Creator through difficult times. He is faithful and I’m truly blessed as a single father to raise my teens with Godly wisdom and see them grow in faith. Side note – finding a special woman to share this joy with and soon to become my wife. God is more than Good; He is awesome.
I am very thankful that the Lord led our family to Grace Community Church. We had been looking for a church home for a long time!
The Lord has been so very real to me as my heavenly Husband in this year that my earthly husband was taken home. He, the Lord, has asked me if I would go with Him to the end of the journey on earth….to the edge of the sea. He has shown up with joy and filled me unspeakable on a lonely road. He has sent a friend or a phone call at the needed time. When no one was there, he was there. He accepts me where I am and what I am feeling. He carries me thru the good and the bad. He is changing me and I am grateful beyond words.
I am grateful for a husband who takes his health seriously. Just over a year ago he had a heart attack. Since that time he has lost over 20 pounds, reduced his stress, and stayed committed to an exercise routine. Some people don't take these wake up calls seriously. I am thankful my husband did!