Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Discipleship and Sacrifice

By Pastor Dan Haffey

Our Fall spiritual journey in the Book of Acts is recounting God’s plan for the unleashing of the Gospel under the power of the Holy Spirit. It also lays out the call to be a disciple, that is, a follower of Jesus Christ. The principal actors in Acts, having encountered God, were 100% sold out to the Mission. They gave up everything to follow Christ by telling the great story of redemption. They sacrificed all to be a follower of Christ. Luke 14:33 says that “any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple”. What have you (or would you) give up to follow Christ? Have you given up anything? If your relationship with Christ was measured by your sacrifice, how strong would that relationship be?

So what are the other qualities needed to be a disciple? First, a personal and vital relationship with Christ. The power to overcome all the natural and unnatural obstacles to bold in Christian living comes from the Spirit of God within the believer. Next, a love for others. John 13:35 tells us that it is our LOVE that will be the proof of our discipleship. Since that kind of love is not natural we need the power of the Spirit to supernaturally love others, even the most unlovable! Third, an obedient heart toward God’s teaching. Jesus says clearly in John 8:31 “if you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples”. Last, a fruitfilled life. Just as we are to known by our love of others, our lives as disciples are to bear good fruit, the fruit of the Spirit in our own lives and good fruit in the lives of those we encounter.

The first century church was unique in some ways BUT their commitment to Christ is the pattern we are to follow in our own path of discipleship. Are YOU a true disciple of Christ? Do you evidence the qualities of a disciple?

Ask God to show you where you need to grow as a disciple…..He will bring the truth about yourself to you if you ask with a sincere heart.

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