Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Answered Prayer

By Jim Peterson

For a year or so, we have been building what we call our “wish list”. This is a list of wants that have not yet become needs for the church. One of the things on that list was a new video projector for the Family Life Center. The current projector is outdated and displaying vertical lines on the left side of the screen that can be distracting.

I am pleased to report that our prayer has been answered. A member of the church has provided us with a gift that will allow us to replace the existing projector. He told us that God had greatly blessed him and his business this year and he wanted to give back to support the church. The new projector should be in place in the next week or two.

We are so grateful for the ways that God continues to bless us. Knowing that some people like to give to meet specific needs, I have included the rest of our wish list to this blog. If you would want to address any of these items, please feel free to give me a call at the church.

1. ***Retractable Basketball Hoops - $14,000

2. ***Replacement projector in FLC - $7869 (includes installation)

3. ***Portable Stage Lighting (LED) - $5,850

4. ***Painting the walls and ceiling of the FLC [walls-paint only approx $3000 ceiling would have to be professionally done - approx. $10,000)

5. ***Landscape lighting to clear up all the dark spots around the church building and parking lots – approx. $8,000

6. ***AED (defibrillator) – approx. $1,000 purchased

7. ***New Carpet for chapel and lobby – approx. $10,000

8. ***Painting of the North Lobby and some carpet – approx. $3,000

9. ***Bookshelves for the Mezzanine Lobby

10.***Completed Youth Space – approx. $900,000

11.***Completed Kitchen and Classrooms on first floor – approx. $300,000

12.***Secondary parking lot – approx. $90,000

13.***Portable Baptistry - $2000-4000

How have you seen God at work and answering prayer in your life lately?? It's never a bad thing to pray specific prayers! That way we get to see how God specifically answers them.

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