We are now in the Lenten season. We will begin our third series on God’s power to deliver this Sunday.
We have seen in the month of January God’s power to deliver us from idols out of Judges. In the month of February we focused on God’s power to deliver us out of debt. It is very encouraging to me to see our church move out of a debt position and to see families and individuals realize their freedom from debt. We still have room in our Financial Peace University for you. It begins this Wednesday.
This month leading up to Good Friday and Easter we will be hearing about the cross: God’s power to deliver. If you want to get ready for this coming Sunday and read ahead, look at 1 Corinthians 2:2, 1:8 and 6:9-11 and then 2 Corinthians 5:14-6:2. We’ll look at the centrality of the cross, the message of the cross, lives changed at the cross and the motivation of the cross. We‘ll hear about one life changed at the cross, Alec Hail.
I am really pumped about this upcoming series. God has been speaking to me big time and inviting me to linger at the cross. I have doing some business at the cross of some unfinished business in my life. I, like all of you get wounded sometimes by the verbal missiles that fly my direction. There is a rawness to the wound since it has been recently opened. But God is able to heal our wounds.
The best place to take those wounded places of our heart is to the cross. At the cross we hear the words of Jesus Father forgive them for they know not what they do. In fact Jesus may have said those words over and over in the face of injustice, unfairness and pain. We forgive out of the overflow of being forgiven. We forgive so that we can heal. We forgive to move on with our lives.
I believe we are all on a journey. This year’s trip to the cross may find you taking off your shoulders weights you have carrying and finding joy and freedom you have been missing. Meet us at the cross.