By Verlyn Mahaffey
As some of you know I have a grandson named Colin. On April 17, 2007 he was born into this world. From the first time I held this little bundle in my arms, he won my heart. When he says, “Mimi, I love you”, he wins my heart. We have this little game we play when I come to his house, I peek through the mail box slot in the big green door and there he is sitting on the couch and I say, “Hi Colin”, he jumps down and runs over to the door. No, I must say that he is jumping, hopping up and down and squealing with delight as he hurries to open the door – he wins my heart. No one else does this for me, imagine that! I can’t wait to get to him as he gives me a big hug, he wins my heart. One day as we were sitting together, he closed his eyes and clasped his hands and the only words I heard was, Mimi and Papop and he continued on in some heavenly language that was not discernable to me but I knew Jesus heard every word (I hope it was good)….and he won my heart. Even when I need to say, “time out” and some discipline is needed….he wins my heart. Most of the time during or after this time he says, “Mimi, I’m really sorry.” And HE WINS MY HEART.
At the foot of the cross:
The day planned from eternity,
The day that the innocent would die for the guilty.
The day that would bring the words, “It is finished”!
The day that would tear the veil in the temple in two,
The day that would declare that man can now come boldly before God, into His very presence.
The day that Love was crucified for my sin, the day He took my place
The day that all heaven waited, breathlessly as Jesus, God’s Son was crucified at Calvary.
The day He could have called this army, but He did not. He laid it all down!
The day He could have come down, but He did not. He stayed.
The Response to this sacrificial love is crucial!
The response from Jesus himself: “Father, forgive them”
The response from some was anger, rejection, railings, insults, the result: hopeless
The response from one thief was acceptance, confession, the result: a home going with Jesus.
My response: HE WON MY HEART. Jesus says to me, “I love you”. I will always love you, it will never change and I will never change my mind. He says to me, “I so delight when you come into my presence, when we talk.” You are very important to me. He says, “I want to take your burdens, I want you to cast your cares upon me, because I care for you.” I hear what you are saying. I have prepared a place for you where we will be together forever. You are my child. You are my beloved. I love you so much that I do need to discipline you, to bring you back to me. I have a wonderful plan for you. And you know what, “I am never going to leave you.” Never! My greatest desire is for you to grow to be just like me, to die to yourself and lay down your life for others, just like me at Calvary. Jesus, your grace at the foot of the cross is amazing!
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