Wednesday, March 28, 2012


By Pastor R

Something great is happening at Grace. I see it happening at the staff meetings, in the small groups, in discipleship and in the latest leadership community meeting. It is a phenomenon known as S.O.A.P. ING. It has the power to transform your life. It is really simple. It will allow you to see God as bigger.

S.O.A.P.ING is something I have experienced over the past six months at a Waterboyz table at Panera Bread on 26 at 7 in the morning. About 20 to 25 men come to the two tables being held there. Sometimes they are asked to S.O.A.P. at home; sometimes they S.O.A.P. at their tables. But men who S.O.A.P. over an extended period of time are changed. I believe it is the power of the Word united with the power of the Spirit in the context of community.

One of the first things you need to know is that S.O.A.P. is an acronym. It is done after you have read a section or chapter of the Bible. Then you listen for what verse the Spirit may prompt you to write about. Once you have heard all the verses, you choose one of the verses that is speaking to you. What do you do when you S.O.A.P?

The S of S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture. You write down on your page the verse that God spoke to you. God may have a particular encounter planned for you regarding that verse. Recently in a staff meeting, 4 out of the 8 staff members S.O.A.P.ed on the same verse. The Spirit was drawing our attention there. Theologians speak of a Rhema word. That is a word designed to speak to you in your situation. The first step is picking the verse you are directed to write on.

The O of S.O.A.P. stands for Observation. You ask yourself and write what caused you to select this verse? What do you get out of the text? What is the author’s intent? Write it out in a sentence or two. 

The A of S.O.A.P. stands for Application. You ask yourself and write how is God asking you to apply this verse to your life? What change is God asking you to make? What action will you take and put it into your calendar. This is where the rubber meets the road and we move from intention to action.

The P of S.O.A.P. stands for Prayer. Write a prayer that agrees with what God spoke to you about.
Then after each person has S.O.A.P.ed, take some time to share what God showed you. This is where you can learn from the amazing insights God gives your group.  In all my times of, I have never been disappointed.

Just after Easter we will be introducing in the Gospel of Mark. If you will learn this technique, I promise you there will be some transformation in your life as the Spirit and the Word open up places in your life in the context of community.

1 comment:

  1. meets at 7-8 p.m. Bob Evans FSK each Monday. Please come and join the table. It is a very good gathering.
    Don Finch
