Sunday, April 1, 2012

Holy Week Devotional

Welcome to this day-by-day devotional for the most pivotal week in history, namely, Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, the Holy Week of our Lord Jesus Christ.  
This devotional is meant to slow us down.  If you are like us, we generally process Holy Week as Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and of course, Easter.  So it is our desire that you take time each day to walk through these scriptures and devotionals to allow the power of this week to come alive to you.  There is so much here, so don’t feel like you have to do it all. So much that it was a challenge to determine which event to choose for each day!
We hope that each reading will inspire and challenge you each day as you reflect on them.   Perhaps you can find a special place to read alone with your Bible in hand, or find a way for the whole family to enjoy. We pray, whether you spend 10 minutes or an hour each day, that your life will be forever changed by the impact of this Good News.
This devotional contains the following parts for each day, April 1 – 8:
*Today’s Verses
*Questions for contemplation
*Scripture references for further study
*A picture to help visualize and connect
Do each day one at a time.  Allow yourself to be immersed in the story and imagine what it would be like to spend each day with Christ. 
In ancient times, a runner would be dispatched from the aftermath of a major battle to tell the news of the battle—win or loss.  When the message was good it was proclaimed by the word “gospel” or “good news”.  The word meant that there had been a victory.  It is our sincere hope that this devotional will inspire us all to be “runners” for our homes and community proclaiming the Good News, that there’s been a Victory—our sins and shortcomings have been forever cleansed and we are forgiven by the love and work of our beautiful Savior, Jesus, on the cross.  There’s been a Victory!
Eric Miller, Pastor
Gary S. Madonna, Elder Emeritus

*If you would like a color copy of this devotion, you can download one from the church website -

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