Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Kingdom will have a King

S.O.A.P. on Mark 1:1-18 by Eric Miller

Here's how I use the S.O.A.P. method. There's not necessarily any right or wrong way, but here's an example of what I do.

First - PRAY.
God, would you speak to me through these verses that I'm about to read. Please reveal the truth of your word to me in my life today. Help me to understand what I'm reading and to be obedient to the things that your calling me to do today.

Second - READ. After praying a simple prayer, I like to read all of the verses for the day straight through. Sometimes I'll read it in a different translation or I'll have to read it through a couple times. I like to use a Bible app on my phone called "YouVersion" to do so. They also have a website ( that comes in handy as well. 

Third - SCRIPTURE. What one verse or idea really strikes me or speaks to me? Write it down. 
Today it's verse 7, which says, "And this was his message: 'After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie."

Fourth - OBSERVATION. Write down what I observe about this verse. Why does it stick out to me? What speaks to me about it? 
At first glance, this verse was interesting to me for a very non-spiritual reason. Truthfully, my mind wandered and I was puzzled with this thought ... "I wonder if in New Testament times their sandals had laces! That's weird!" Haha yes, even pastors minds wander when reading the Bible :) but as I thought about this verse more, I realized something much more profound. If I'm John the Baptist and all these people were coming out to hear me speak (v. 5) I'm pretty sure that in my pride my message would probably be much different than John's. I would be tempted to make much of myself. It would be easy to make a big deal about myself and all the things that God was doing through ME. Yet that's not John's response at all. He humbles himself. He deflects the power and pride and points to Jesus.

Fifth - APPLICATION. Write out what application you want to apply from this verse and observation. 
I want to be like John and allow my message to be one that makes much of Jesus and humble myself. I want to point people to Jesus through everything I do and say.

Sixth - PRAYER. Write out your prayer to God.
God, help me to humble myself so that You don't have to. Help me to be like your messenger John who points people to Jesus. Help me to be bolder than I am in proclaiming the message of Christ and what He wants to do for us. Use me.

I would LOVE to hear how God has uses Mark 1:1-18 to speak to you. Would you be willing to post some of your SOAP in the comments below?

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