Today’s Verses: Matthew 26:1-16
The Flask is Broken
“And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on His head” (Mark 14:3).
Have you ever had someone do something wonderful for you, or say something that deeply touched your heart—your very soul? It was the gift that you always wanted but never knew how special or encouraging it was until it was given? You were in a dark valley with seemingly no way out and suddenly the morning came and the Sun shone with all its glory? You would be ok? Jesus can relate! It was Wednesday night. He knew betrayal and suffering on a cross were before Him. But God the Father knew exactly what His Son needed to bring Him through. Ken Gire delicately weaves the event, emotions and faces of this evening:
“The winds of treachery have been gusting around Jesus with increasing intensity. But there is a calm eye in the midst of this storm of mounting opposition. It is a home in Bethany, a shelter of intimate friends who come to honor him.
But a draft has made its way into this warm circle of friends, and betrayal is in the air. The draft is Judas. But only Christ feels the chill. Christ, and one other—Mary. She feels the melting tallow of emotions in Christ’s eyes. And she feels the chill of betrayal in the air. So beautiful the flame. So tender the wick.
So mercenary the hand that seeks to extinguish it.
For this brief candle she weeps. And as she does, she anoints him with perfume to prepare for his burial. Soon the alabaster body of Jesus would be broken. Blood would spill from the whip…from the thorns…from the nails…and finally, from the spear thrust in his side.
A perfume more precious than nard. It would cover the stench of mockers rabbled around the cross. It would flow to fill the earth with its fragrance. It would ascend to heaven to reach the very nostrils of God.
So pure. So lovely. So truly extravagant.
The Savior had come to earth to break an alabaster jar for humanity. And Mary had come that night to break one for him. It was a jar she never regretted breaking. Nor did he.” (4)
Questions to think about:
*Is your life in relationship with Christ characterized as a flask breaker, like Mary, or a draft, like Judas?
*What might Christ be calling you to do today to show and express your love for Him?
For Further Study:
*2 Chronicles 3:1-17
*Ezra 4:8-13; 5:1-2, 14-18
*Mark 14:1-11
*1 Corinthians 3:16
*Hebrews 10:19-20
*Revelation 13:8; 21:22
*Luke 9:51; 19:47; 22:1-6
4. Wednesday
Ken Gire, Moments with the Savior: A Devotional Life of Christ (Zondervan, 1998) pp.292-293.
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